zaterdag 30 augustus 2008


Ok,so after my first attempt this is the real deal.....
Now i'm going to blog.Here we go...!

Actually what I want to share are some photos of work i did and stuff.
Some old first and then you know I'm going to keep track and post my newer work but yeah so there's a line in my growth 'cause that's what's up!

Fashion week is coming up and there's two things I can do....Go to paris run my ass off be fabulous and pose,or go on vacation to turkey on a boat and do yaga all day....hhhmmmm tuff call!
Both is fun and good in there own totally different ways.

Yesterday I was biking to work and thinking about the fact that I wanted to read a book,and maybe i should call someone to bring me one...Anyways..arriving at work(late as usual) My friend Veronica was there,and she had a present for me...HA! She bought me a book!
And a book that's about like inner peace and finding your way in live etc.So aint that funny that the universe heard me and brought me a book to prove to me that what the book describes really works! Or something.....It was on oprah,eat pray love.

Geen opmerkingen: